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Auto Insurance Companies

What are the Best Rated Family Cars?

Each year, existing car models are upgraded and improved while new models are introduced with exciting new features and body styles. When families shop for a new car, there are so many models to choose from and it can become overwhelming. Kelly Blue Book and other respectable agencies annually publish lists of the best rated […]

What are the most popular cars women buy?

Historically, men have been the designated family member responsible for buying a car and maintaining it, which made sense since they were the ones commuting to work every day and putting the most miles on the car. As the number of working women has increased however, and as women have filled their lives with long […]

Smart Tips to Prepare for a Road Trip

Another summer season is on the way, and drivers will be hitting the busy roads for weekend getaways and vacations with the family. With tighter budgets, more people will likely opt for travelling adventures by road rather than flying. Whatever the season or the reason, lengthy road trips warrant their own careful planning and precautions, […]

How to get the most value when buying a Used Car?

With lower prices and financing costs for a perfectly good set of wheels, the used car option is justified for many reasons. Also, unlike new vehicles which lose a high percentage of value when driven off the lot, used cars have a lower depreciation rate. With more women than ever before making independent vehicle purchases, […]

How to Get the Best Deal When Buying a New Car

The purchase of a new car is one of the largest investments in a woman’s life, and with abundant resources of online information geared for them; the process is more empowering than for past generations. The best deal results from being prepared and studies show that if a woman doesn’t negotiate, she pays $1,353 more […]

Teen Driver Safety Tips for Every Parent

As a rite of passage, tossing the car keys to your teenager is both a proud and nerve wracking moment for every parent. How your teen successfully navigates the roads is the culmination of setting good examples, many lessons, firm boundaries, and a little faith in their good sense. But there is cause for a […]

Is it Illegal to Text while Driving?

People seem much busier these days, with meetings, clients and demanding bosses forever wanting something. Parents have after school sports, tutor appointments, play dates and other social activities, not to mention all the errands and other work that goes into coordinating and running daily lives. Texting is possibly the quickest, most efficient way for people […]

How much is car insurance per month?

The cost of car insurance can vary greatly from one car insurance company to the next and how much your premiums are depend on a number of items car insurance companies use to assess the risk of you filing a future claim. As a women driver you certainly benefit from lower car insurance rates given […]

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